
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Peaceable Kingdom

Summer is fading, just 17 days left to go. In ours this year we had an experience of the Peaceable Kingdom, as it were—concerned with butterflies, moonrises, flowers, and raising our herbs and tomatoes. Yesterday—the colors shining through the green—we disassembled our wire/plastic cages to harvest the ripe tomatoes—hence this sudden abundance.


  1. Dang, that looks tasty. Alas, our vines are currently devoid of anything resembling a ripe tomato.

  2. Don't worry, John, I will share with you the next day's harvest...or better yet, will make confit (yes, this term now includes veggies not just duck, as the French would have it) and share that with you. Which do you prefer?

  3. Oh, what a lovely harvest. And I know you have more coming. We may need to bring ours in to ripen if the sun doesn't return soon.

    When it ocmes to what we prefer, confit, for sure!


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