
Thursday, October 31, 2013

October’s Last Hurrah

How the body matches weather!
Gloomy skies and drizzling rain.
Green is now a shade of heather.
The sweeper’s come to sweep our lane.

Tonight in rain will come a few,
From tiny tot to full-grown teen;
Umbrella-toting parents too
Will come because its Halloween.

The children active, all pragmatic.
“Trick or Treat.” The open bag.
Never mind the Fall thematic,
The costume of the tiny hag.

It is a sort of rushed routine:
Up the stairs. The eyes are hidden.
Candy is what Halloween is…
From our to their kitchen midden.

And depart. “What do you say, Lilly?
What do you say?” “Thank you,” she says.
And then she’s gone.

1 comment:

  1. You are so right, neither rain nor blustery wind keeps little ones and "fully grown teens" from their appointed rounds tonight. My candy bowl is waiting for the first knock on the door to be scared by tricksters small and large.


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