you ponder it a little more than superficially, the phrase political correctness is a tautology. Thus the word “political,” by
itself, already contains the sense of “correctness.” Deep down the two words
mean “the same” (tauto in Greek). But
let me extend this by looking at two words that seem to be related: political and polite. Political is rooted in the word “citizen,” polites in Latin; and that last word
derives from polis, “city.” At this
point “political” is not in any genuine sense equivalent to “correctness,” of
course, but let us plow this furrow deeper. One idea might be to check if the
words politic and polite both come from the same root; but that turns out to be
wrong. Polite comes from the Latin politus; in spelling that word is almost
identical to “citizen” (polites) but
its meaning is “polished,” refined, hence elegant and accomplished. The word politic, however, despite its strong linkage to citizen in Latin,
had acquired the meaning of “prudent, judicious,” by the 15th century, no doubt
because a citizen must have those characteristics in order to get things done.
In English, as well, we get the word “civil” from citizen; and civility relies
on prudent and judicious behavior. Polite behavior, although derived from
polishing rough things until they’re smooth, has functionally the same meaning.
A polite person will always be politic, civil, thoughtful, and considerate.
Now we
could take this even further (always true where language is involved). The
hardnosed critic of political correctness will point out that “correctness,” as
used in that phrase, does not mean
adherence to truth, necessarily; rather, it means obedience to a ideology,
whether that ideology is true or not. And that’s also true. The phrase came into
use for that reason, I think: to enforce an ideology. An alternative was
already available when it was introduced: it was etiquette.
Etiquette retains, to this day, the meaning of “correct behavior” whether in
politics or other spheres of life.
literally means a small slip of paper, a ticket, you might say. It comes from
Old French estiquette, which simply
meant a label. Etiquette, in the sense of “prescribed behavior” (notice behavior, not belief in anything)
developed from “label” because people visiting courts (be they in France (étiquette), Italy (etichetta), or Spain (etiquette)
were handed little cards on which the basic right behavior was printed to be
learned. Similarly, soldiers assigned to be lodged in a village, temporarily,
were issued a similar ticket with similar instructions on how to behave.
is about such things as rising when a lady or elderly person needs a seat,
which spoon to use, when to bow, when to speak, who goes first, what words may
or may not be used (and here we are approaching but not reaching political
correctness)—and never mind what you would rather do—like putting your muddy
boots up on that beautifully laid Downton Abbey dinner table.
combining “right behavior” with “prudent and judicious” speech, we might get political etiquette, a nice correction in the course on which we are now
headed—a rough beaching on some arid sandbank or worse. No one possesses
etiquette automatically; I remember my childhood. To do so you have to be
brought up right. One has to have acquired manners—and education enough to
understand the meaning of correct behavior until it becomes instinctive. And it
doesn’t harm you if you read and study a fair amount to discover that you’re
not born wise.
source for etymologies and historical precedents comes, as always, from Oonline Etymology Dictionary (link).
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